martes, 11 de diciembre de 2007

The skin(leather) is the biggest organ of the body, covers it completely, takes charge protecting his(her,your) internal fabrics. It(he,she) constitutes near 10 % of the corporal weight.
It is composed of three principal caps. A superficial cap without blood irrigation, named epidermis. An irrigated cap and of connective fabric which is called dermis. And a cap hospitalizes(sends inland) of adipose and connective fabric that calls hipodermis.
The epidermis is the first cap of the skin(leather). It(she) is formed(trained) by four subcaps that depend on the characteristics of the queratocitos (basic cells of the skin(leather)).
It(She) is thicker(bulkier) in certain areas as(like) in the palm of the hands and plants(floors) of the feet. The cells of the epidermis change constant between 12 and 14 days. The most external subcap of the epidermis is the horny layer that it(he) is formed(trained) by cells queratinizadas biological inactive that have the very dense packed one.
The dermis, which also is a thick(bulky) cap, possesses a great quantity of innervaciones, these it is inserted in the epidermis by means of projections of collagen and fibers of reticulina and elastina.
The blood glasses of the dermis give him(her) his(her,your) typical color to the skin(leather) and in addition they play an important paper(role) in the thermal regulation and in the absorption of toxins for cutaneous exhibition.
The nails, the hair and the glands, dependences of the skin(leather), are modifications of epidermal cells inside the dermis.
The nail is a very thick(bulky) modification of the epidermis, grows totally in approximately three months. The hair is present in almost the whole body and is projected towards the interior of the dermis, There are approximately 100,000 hairs in the skin(leather) that they grow to a speed of 0.37 mm / day. The sebaceous glands are small glands dermales that lubricate the skin(leather). The glands sudoríferas also are in the cap dermal and take charge of the production of the sweat by means of which some substances are eliminated, between(among) them the chloride of sodium and certain metals as the copper, the zinc, the iron, the lead, cadmium and nickel. The electrolytes lost in a day of high perspiration have to of be replacing immediately.

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