Definition of excretor apparatus:
When we speak about excretion, always we think about the elimination of products of waste.
This one nevertheless, it is only one of his(her,your) functions. The excretion is in addition, a
regulatory system of the internal way, that is to say, determines the quantity of water and of
you go out that it(he,she) is in the organism(organisation) in every moment, and he(she) expels
the excess from them so that there is kept constant the chemical composition and the volume of
the internal way (homeostasis). This way it is like like the alive(vivacious) organisms
(organisations) they assure his(her,your) survival opposite to the environmental variations.
It is possible to say, that the excretion carried out by the devices excretores implies several
processes: The excretion of the products of waste of the cellular metabolism. The
osmorregulación or regulation of the osmotic pressure. The ionoregulación or regulation of the
ions of the internal way.
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